[Serializable] |
Code Implementation Masks
Managed Masks
Implementation Information and Interop Masks
CodeTypeMask | Specifies flags about code type. |
ForwardRef | Specifies that the method is not defined. |
IL | Specifies that the method implementation is in Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL). |
InternalCall | Specifies an internal call. |
Managed | Specifies that the method implementation is managed, otherwise unmanaged. |
ManagedMask | Specifies whether the code is managed or unmanaged. |
MaxMethodImplVal | Specifies a range check value. |
Native | Specifies that the method implementation is native. |
NoInlining | Specifies that the method cannot be inlined. |
OPTIL | Specifies that the method implementation is in Optimized Intermediate Language (OPTIL). |
PreserveSig | Specifies that the method signature is exported exactly as declared. |
Runtime | Specifies that the method implementation is provided by the runtime. |
Synchronized | Specifies that the method is single-threaded through the body. You can also use the C# or the Visual Basic for this purpose. |
Unmanaged | Specifies that the method implementation is unmanaged, otherwise managed. |