System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Enumeration

Assembly: Mscorlib.dll
Namespace: System.Reflection
Specifies type attributes.
C# Syntax:
public enum TypeAttributes
The members of this enumerator class match the CorTypeAttr enumerator as defined in the corhdr.h file.
See also:
System.Reflection Namespace

System.Reflection.TypeAttributes Member List:

Public Fields
Abstract Specifies that the type is abstract.
AnsiClass LPTSTR is interpreted as ANSI.
AutoClass LPTSTR is interpreted automatically.
AutoLayout Specifies that class fields are automatically laid out by the common language runtime.
BeforeFieldInit Initialize the class any time before first static field access.
Class Specifies that the type is a class.
ClassSemanticsMask Specifies class semantics information; the current class is contextful (else agile).
ExplicitLayout Specifies that class fields are laid out at the specified offsets.
HasSecurity Type has security associate with it.
Import Specifies that the class or interface is imported from another module.
Interface Specifies that the type is an interface.
LayoutMask Specifies class layout information.
NestedAssembly Specifies that the class is nested with assembly visibility, and is thus accessible only by methods within its assembly.
NestedFamANDAssem Specifies that the class is nested with assembly and family visibility, and is thus accessible only by methods lying in the intersection of its family and assembly.
NestedFamily Specifies that the class is nested with family visibility, and is thus accessible only by methods within its own type and any subtypes.
NestedFamORAssem Specifies that the class is nested with family or assembly visibility, and is thus accessible only by methods lying in the union of its family and assembly.
NestedPrivate Specifies that the class is nested with private visibility.
NestedPublic Specifies that the class is nested with public visibility.
NotPublic Specifies that the class is not public.
Public Specifies that the class is public.
ReservedMask Attributes reserved for runtime use.
RTSpecialName Runtime should check name encoding.
Sealed Specifies that the class is concrete and cannot be extended.
SequentialLayout Specifies that class fields are laid out sequentially, in the order that the fields were emitted to the metadata.
Serializable Specifies that the class can be serialized.
SpecialName Specifies that the class is special in a way denoted by the name.
StringFormatMask Used to retrieve string information for native interoperability.
UnicodeClass LPTSTR is interpreted as UNICODE.
VisibilityMask Specifies type visibility information.


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