System.IAppDomainSetup Interface

Assembly: Mscorlib.dll
Namespace: System
Represents assembly binding information that can be added to an instance of AppDomain.
C# Syntax:
public interface IAppDomainSetup
Members of this interface are used with the AppDomain.GetData and AppDomain.SetData methods to identify the AppDomain data to use.
See also:
System Namespace

System.IAppDomainSetup Member List:

Public Properties
ApplicationBase Read-write

Gets or sets the name of the directory containing the application.
ApplicationName Read-write

Gets or sets the name of the application.
CachePath Read-write

Gets and sets the name of an area specific to the application where files are shadow copied.
ConfigurationFile Read-write

Gets and sets the name of the configuration file for an application domain.
DynamicBase Read-write

Gets or sets the directory where dynamically generated files are stored and accessed.
LicenseFile Read-write

Gets or sets the location of the license file associated with this domain.
PrivateBinPath Read-write

Gets or sets the list of directories that is combined with the AppDomainSetup.ApplicationBase directory to probe for private assemblies.
PrivateBinPathProbe Read-write

Gets or sets the private binary directory path used to locate an application.
ShadowCopyDirectories Read-write

Gets or sets the names of the directories containing assemblies to be shadow copied.
ShadowCopyFiles Read-write

Gets or sets a string that indicates whether shadow copying is turned on or off.

System.IAppDomainSetup Member Details

Property: ApplicationBase (read-write)
Gets or sets the name of the directory containing the application.
C# Syntax:
string ApplicationBase {get; set;}
Used when getting or setting the assembly cache manager's APPBASE variable. This is the directory where the assembly manager should begin probing for assemblies. This property cannot be changed after the AppDomain has finished its first bind.

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Property: ApplicationName (read-write)
Gets or sets the name of the application.
C# Syntax:
string ApplicationName {get; set;}

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Property: CachePath (read-write)
Gets and sets the name of an area specific to the application where files are shadow copied.
C# Syntax:
string CachePath {get; set;}
See also:
IAppDomainSetup.ShadowCopyFiles | IAppDomainSetup.ShadowCopyDirectories

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Property: ConfigurationFile (read-write)
Gets and sets the name of the configuration file for an application domain.
C# Syntax:
string ConfigurationFile {get; set;}
The configuration file describes the search rules and configuration data for the application domain. The host that creates the application domain is responsible for supplying this data because the meaningful values vary from situation to situation.

For example, the configuration data for ASP.NET applications is stored for each application, site, and computer, while the configuration data for an executable is stored for each application, user, and computer. Only the host knows the specifics of the configuration data for a particular circumstance.

This property cannot be changed after the AppDomain has finished its first bind.

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Property: DynamicBase (read-write)
Gets or sets the directory where dynamically generated files are stored and accessed.
C# Syntax:
string DynamicBase {get; set;}
When an AppDomain is created, a directory called the Dynamic Directory can be specified to store dynamic assemblies. This directory is logically located under the AppDomainSetup.ApplicationBase, although it can reside in another part of the directory.

This property cannot be changed after the AppDomain has finished its first bind.

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Property: LicenseFile (read-write)
Gets or sets the location of the license file associated with this domain.
C# Syntax:
string LicenseFile {get; set;}

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Property: PrivateBinPath (read-write)
Gets or sets the list of directories that is combined with the AppDomainSetup.ApplicationBase directory to probe for private assemblies.
C# Syntax:
string PrivateBinPath {get; set;}
Private assemblies are deployed in the same directory structure as the application.

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Property: PrivateBinPathProbe (read-write)
Gets or sets the private binary directory path used to locate an application.
C# Syntax:
string PrivateBinPathProbe {get; set;}
Set this property to exclude the application directory path from the search for the application. The search is restricted to private and global binary directory paths, and the global assembly cache.

This property cannot be changed after the AppDomain has finished its first bind.

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Property: ShadowCopyDirectories (read-write)
Gets or sets the names of the directories containing assemblies to be shadow copied.
C# Syntax:
string ShadowCopyDirectories {get; set;}
All directories specified by AppDomainSetup.PrivateBinPath, including the directory specified by AppDomainSetup.ApplicationBase, are shadow copied by default if this property is not set.

If an executable file is in use, updates to the executable file are stored in a shadow copy directory. Existing users continue using the original executable file until it terminates, while new users use the shadow copied executable file.

This property cannot be changed after the AppDomain has finished its first bind.

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Property: ShadowCopyFiles (read-write)
Gets or sets a string that indicates whether shadow copying is turned on or off.
C# Syntax:
string ShadowCopyFiles {get; set;}
This property cannot be changed after the AppDomain has finished its first bind.

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