System.Threading.Thread Class

Assembly: Mscorlib.dll
Namespace: System.Threading
Creates and controls a thread, sets its priority, and gets its status.
C# Syntax:
public sealed class Thread
Thread Safety
Public static (non-instance) members of this type are safe for multithreaded operations. Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.
A process can create one or more threads to execute a portion of the program code associated with the process. Use a ThreadStart delegate to specify the program code executed by a thread.

For the duration of its existence, a thread is always in one or more of the states defined by ThreadState. A scheduling priority level, as defined by ThreadPriority, can be requested for a thread, but is not guaranteed to be honored by the operating system.

The following code example demonstrates simple threading functionality.
See also:
System.Threading Namespace

System.Threading.Thread Member List:

Public Constructors
ctor #1 Initializes a new instance of the Thread class.
Public Properties
CurrentContext Read-only

Gets the current context in which the thread is executing.
CurrentCulture Read-write

Gets or sets the culture for the current thread.
CurrentPrincipal Read-write

Gets or sets the thread's current principal (for role-based security).
CurrentThread Read-only

Gets the currently running thread.
CurrentUICulture Read-write

Gets or sets the current culture used by the Resource Manager to look up culture-specific resources at run time.
IsAlive Read-only

Gets a value indicating the execution status of the current thread.
IsBackground Read-write

Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not a thread is a background thread.
IsThreadPoolThread Read-only

Name Read-write

Gets or sets the name of the thread.
Priority Read-write

Gets or sets a value indicating the scheduling priority of a thread.
ThreadState Read-only

Gets a value containing the states of the current thread.
Public Methods
Abort Overloaded:

Raises a ThreadAbortException in the thread on which it is invoked, to begin the process of terminating the thread. Calling this method usually terminates the thread.
Abort Overloaded:
Abort(object stateInfo)

Raises a ThreadAbortException in the thread on which it is invoked, to begin the process of terminating the thread while also providing exception information about the thread termination. Calling this method usually terminates the thread.
AllocateDataSlot Allocates an unnamed data slot on all the threads.
AllocateNamedDataSlot Allocates a named data slot on all threads.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.Equals

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
FreeNamedDataSlot Frees a previously allocated named data slot.
GetData Retrieves the value from the specified slot on the current thread, within the current thread's current domain.
GetDomain Returns the current domain in which the current thread is running.
GetDomainID Returns a unique application domain identifier.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.GetHashCode

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
GetNamedDataSlot Looks up a named data slot.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.GetType

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
Interrupt Interrupts a thread that is in the WaitSleepJoin thread state.
Join Overloaded:

Blocks the calling thread until a thread terminates.
Join Overloaded:
Join(int millisecondsTimeout)

Blocks the calling thread until a thread terminates or the specified time elapses.
Join Overloaded:
Join(TimeSpan timeout)

Blocks the calling thread until a thread terminates or the specified time elapses.
ResetAbort Cancels an Thread.Abort requested for the current thread.
Resume Resumes a thread that has been suspended.
SetData Sets the data in the specified slot on the currently running thread, for that thread's current domain.
Sleep Overloaded:
Sleep(int millisecondsTimeout)

Suspends the current thread for a specified time.
Sleep Overloaded:
Sleep(TimeSpan timeout)

Blocks the current thread for a specified time.
SpinWait Causes a thread to wait the number of times defined by the iterations parameter.
Start Causes the operating system to change the state of the current instance to ThreadState.Running.
Suspend Either suspends the thread, or if the thread is already suspended, has no effect.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.ToString

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
Protected Methods
Finalize Overridden:
Releases the resources held by this instance.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.MemberwiseClone

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.


System.Threading.Thread Member Details

ctor #1
Initializes a new instance of the Thread class.
C# Syntax:
public Thread(Thread(
   ThreadStart start


A ThreadStart delegate that references the methods to be invoked when this thread begins executing.

Exception Type Condition
ArgumentNullException The start parameter is null.
To schedule the thread for execution, call the Thread.Start method.

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Property: CurrentContext (read-only)
Gets the current context in which the thread is executing.
C# Syntax:
public static Context CurrentContext {get;}

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Property: CurrentCulture (read-write)
Gets or sets the culture for the current thread.
C# Syntax:
public CultureInfo CurrentCulture {get; set;}

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Property: CurrentPrincipal (read-write)
Gets or sets the thread's current principal (for role-based security).
C# Syntax:
public static IPrincipal CurrentPrincipal {get; set;}
Exception Type Condition
SecurityException The caller does not have the required permission.
.NET Framework Security:
SecurityPermission to manipulate the principal object. Associated enumeration: SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPrincipal.

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Property: CurrentThread (read-only)
Gets the currently running thread.
C# Syntax:
public static Thread CurrentThread {get;}

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Property: CurrentUICulture (read-write)
Gets or sets the current culture used by the Resource Manager to look up culture-specific resources at run time.
C# Syntax:
public CultureInfo CurrentUICulture {get; set;}
Exception Type Condition
ArgumentNullException The property value is null.

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Property: IsAlive (read-only)
Gets a value indicating the execution status of the current thread.
C# Syntax:
public bool IsAlive {get;}
This property returns true unless the Thread.ThreadState of the current thread contains ThreadState.Unstarted, ThreadState.Stopped, or ThreadState.Aborted.

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Property: IsBackground (read-write)
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not a thread is a background thread.
C# Syntax:
public bool IsBackground {get; set;}
Exception Type Condition
ThreadStateException The thread has not been started, is dead, or is not in the suspended state.
A thread is either a background thread or a foreground thread. Background threads are identical to foreground threads except for the fact that background threads do not prevent a process from terminating. Once all foreground threads belonging to a process have terminated, the common language runtime ends the process by invoking Thread.Abort on any background threads that are still alive.

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Property: IsThreadPoolThread (read-only)
C# Syntax:
public bool IsThreadPoolThread {get;}

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Property: Name (read-write)
Gets or sets the name of the thread.
C# Syntax:
public string Name {get; set;}
Exception Type Condition
InvalidOperationException A set operation was requested, and the Name property has already been set.
This property is write-once.

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Property: Priority (read-write)
Gets or sets a value indicating the scheduling priority of a thread.
C# Syntax:
public ThreadPriority Priority {get; set;}
Exception Type Condition
ThreadStateException The thread has reached a final state, such as ThreadState.Aborted.
ArgumentException The value specified for a set operation is not a valid ThreadPriority value.
A thread can be assigned any one of the following priority values:

Operating systems are not required to honor the priority of a thread.

See also:

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Property: ThreadState (read-only)
Gets a value containing the states of the current thread.
C# Syntax:
public ThreadState ThreadState {get;}
The ThreadState property is more general than the Thread.IsAlive property or the Thread.IsBackground property.

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Overloaded Method: Abort()
Raises a ThreadAbortException in the thread on which it is invoked, to begin the process of terminating the thread. Calling this method usually terminates the thread.
C# Syntax:
public void Abort();
Exception Type Condition
SecurityException The caller does not have the required permission for this thread.
When this method is invoked on a thread, the system throws a ThreadAbortException in the thread to abort it.ThreadAbortException is a special exception that can be caught by application code, but is re-thrown at the end of the catch block unless Thread.ResetAbort is called.ResetAbort cancels the request to abort, and prevents the ThreadAbortException from terminating the thread. Unexecuted finally blocks are executed before the thread is aborted; this includes any finally block that is executing when the exception is thrown.

The thread is not guaranteed to abort immediately, or at all. This situation can occur if a thread does an unbounded amount of computation in the finally blocks that are called as part of the abort procedure, thereby indefinitely delaying the abort. To ensure a thread has aborted, invoke a Thread.Join method on the thread after calling Abort.

If Abort is called on a thread that has not been started, the thread will abort when Thread.Start is called. If Abort is called on a thread that has been suspended, the thread is resumed and then aborted. If Abort is called on a thread that is blocked or is sleeping, the thread is interrupted and then aborted. If, while executing unmanaged code, a thread ignores a ThreadAbortException, the system re-throws the ThreadAbortException when the thread begins executing managed code.

If two calls to Abort come at the same time, it is possible that one call set the state information and the other call executes the Abort. However, an application cannot distinguish this.

After Abort is invoked on a thread, the state of the thread includes ThreadState.AbortRequested. After the thread has terminated as a result of a successful call to Abort, the state of the thread is changed to ThreadState.Stopped. With sufficient permissions, a thread that is the target of an Abort can cancel the abort using the ResetAbort method. For an example that demonstrates calling the ResetAbort method, see the ThreadAbortException class.

.NET Framework Security:
SecurityPermissionAttribute for advanced operations on threads. Associated enumeration: SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlThread.

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Overloaded Method: Abort(
   object stateInfo
Raises a ThreadAbortException in the thread on which it is invoked, to begin the process of terminating the thread while also providing exception information about the thread termination. Calling this method usually terminates the thread.
C# Syntax:
public void Abort(
   object stateInfo


An object that contains application-specific information, such as state, which can be used by the thread being aborted.

Exception Type Condition
SecurityException The caller does not have the required permission for this thread.
When this method is invoked on a thread, the system throws a ThreadAbortException in the thread to abort it.ThreadAbortException is a special exception that can be caught by application code, but is re-thrown at the end of the catch block unless Thread.ResetAbort is called.ResetAbort cancels the request to abort, and prevents the ThreadAbortException from terminating the thread. Unexecuted finally blocks are executed before the thread is aborted; this includes any finally block that is executing when the exception is thrown.

The thread is not guaranteed to abort immediately, or at all. This situation can occur if a thread does an unbounded amount of computation in the finally blocks that are called as part of the abort procedure, thereby indefinitely delaying the abort. To ensure a thread has aborted, invoke a Thread.Join method on the thread after calling Abort.

If Abort is called on a thread that has not been started, the thread will abort when Thread.Start is called. If Abort is called on a thread that has been suspended, the thread is resumed and then aborted. If Abort is called on a thread that is blocked or is sleeping, the thread is interrupted and then aborted. If, while executing unmanaged code, a thread ignores a ThreadAbortException, the system re-throws the ThreadAbortException when the thread begins executing managed code.

If two calls to Abort come at the same time, it is possible that one call sets the state information, and the other call executes the Abort. However, an application cannot distinguish this.

After Abort is invoked on a thread, the state of the thread includes ThreadState.AbortRequested. After the thread has terminated as a result of a successful call to Abort, the state of the thread is changed to ThreadState.Stopped. With sufficient permissions, a thread that is the target of an Abort can cancel the abort using the ResetAbort method. For an example that demonstrates calling the ResetAbort method, see the ThreadAbortException class.

.NET Framework Security:
SecurityPermissionAttribute for advanced operations on threads. Associated enumeration: SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlThread.
See also:
ThreadAbortException | ThreadState.Aborted | ThreadState.AbortRequested

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Method: AllocateDataSlot()
Allocates an unnamed data slot on all the threads.
C# Syntax:
public static LocalDataStoreSlot AllocateDataSlot();
Return Value:
A LocalDataStoreSlot.
The slot is allocated on all threads.

Threads use a local store memory mechanism to store thread-specific data. The common language runtime allocates a multi-slot data store array to each process when it is created. The thread can allocate a data slot in the data store, store and retrieve a data value in the slot, and free the slot for reuse after the thread expires. Data slots are unique per thread. No other thread (not even a child thread) can get that data.

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Method: AllocateNamedDataSlot(
   string name
Allocates a named data slot on all threads.
C# Syntax:
public static LocalDataStoreSlot AllocateNamedDataSlot(
   string name


The name of the data slot to be allocated.

Return Value:
A LocalDataStoreSlot.
Threads use a local store memory mechanism to store thread-specific data. The common language runtime allocates a multi-slot data store array to each process when it is created. The thread can allocate a data slot in the data store, store and retrieve a data value in the slot, and free the slot for reuse after the thread expires. Data slots are unique per thread. No other thread (not even a child thread) can get that data.

Slots allocated with this method must be freed with Thread.FreeNamedDataSlot.

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Method: Equals(
   object obj
See base class member description: System.Object.Equals
C# Syntax:
public virtual bool Equals(
   object obj

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Overridden Method: Finalize()
Releases the resources held by this instance.
C# Syntax:
Application code does not call this method; it is automatically invoked during garbage collection.

See the conceptual topic at MSDN: programmingessentialsforgarbagecollection for more information.

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Method: FreeNamedDataSlot(
   string name
Frees a previously allocated named data slot.
C# Syntax:
public static void FreeNamedDataSlot(
   string name


The name of the data slot to be freed.

The slot is freed on all threads.

Threads use a local store memory mechanism to store thread-specific data. The common language runtime allocates a multi-slot data store array to each process when it is created. The thread can allocate a data slot in the data store, store and retrieve a data value in the slot, and free the slot for reuse after the thread expires. Data slots are unique per thread. No other thread (not even a child thread) can get that data.

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Method: GetData(
   LocalDataStoreSlot slot
Retrieves the value from the specified slot on the current thread, within the current thread's current domain.
C# Syntax:
public static object GetData(
   LocalDataStoreSlot slot


The LocalDataStoreSlot from which to get the value.

Return Value:
The retrieved value.
Threads use a local store memory mechanism to store thread-specific data. The common language runtime allocates a multi-slot data store array to each process when it is created. The thread can allocate a data slot in the data store, store and retrieve a data value in the slot, and free the slot for reuse after the thread expires. Data slots are unique per thread. No other thread (not even a child thread) can get that data.

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Method: GetDomain()
Returns the current domain in which the current thread is running.
C# Syntax:
public static AppDomain GetDomain();
Return Value:
An AppDomain representing the current application domain of the running thread.
The get and set accessors work on the hard thread, not the logical thread. Therefore, they are package-protected and should not be available for general consumption.

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Method: GetDomainID()
Returns a unique application domain identifier.
C# Syntax:
public static int GetDomainID();
Return Value:
A 32-bit signed integer uniquely identifying the application domain.

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Method: GetHashCode()
See base class member description: System.Object.GetHashCode
C# Syntax:
public virtual int GetHashCode();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Method: GetNamedDataSlot(
   string name
Looks up a named data slot.
C# Syntax:
public static LocalDataStoreSlot GetNamedDataSlot(
   string name


The name of the local data slot.

Return Value:
A LocalDataStoreSlot allocated for this thread.
Threads use a local store memory mechanism to store thread-specific data. The common language runtime allocates a multi-slot data store array to each process when it is created. The thread can allocate a data slot in the data store, store and retrieve a data value in the slot, and free the slot for reuse after the thread expires. Data slots are unique per thread. No other thread (not even a child thread) can get that data.

If the named slot does not exist, a new slot is allocated. Named data slots are public and can be manipulated by anyone.

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Method: GetType()
See base class member description: System.Object.GetType
C# Syntax:
public Type GetType();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Method: Interrupt()
Interrupts a thread that is in the WaitSleepJoin thread state.
C# Syntax:
public void Interrupt();
Exception Type Condition
SecurityException The caller does not have the appropriate SecurityPermission.
If this thread is not currently blocked in a wait, sleep, or join state, it will be interrupted when it next begins to block.
.NET Framework Security:
SecurityPermissionAttribute for advanced operations on threads. Associated enumeration: SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlThread.
See also:

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Overloaded Method: Join()
Blocks the calling thread until a thread terminates.
C# Syntax:
public void Join();
Exception Type Condition
ThreadStateException The caller attempted to join a thread that is in the ThreadState.Unstarted state.
ThreadInterruptedException The thread is interrupted while waiting.
Use this method to ensure a thread has terminated. The caller will block indefinitely if the thread does not terminate.

This method changes the state of the calling thread to include ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin. You cannot invoke Join on a thread that is in the ThreadState.Unstarted state.

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Overloaded Method: Join(
   int millisecondsTimeout
Blocks the calling thread until a thread terminates or the specified time elapses.
C# Syntax:
public bool Join(
   int millisecondsTimeout


The number of milliseconds to wait for the thread to terminate.

Return Value:
true if the thread has terminated; false if the thread has not terminated after the amount of time specified by the millisecondsTimeout parameter has elapsed.
Exception Type Condition
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value of millisecondsTimeout is negative and is not equal to Timeout.Infinite in milliseconds.
ThreadStateException The thread has not been started.
If Timeout.Infinite is specified for the millisecondsTimeout parameter, this method behaves identically to Join, except for the return value.

This method changes the state of the calling thread to include ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin. You cannot invoke Join on a thread that is in the ThreadState.Unstarted state.

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Overloaded Method: Join(
   TimeSpan timeout
Blocks the calling thread until a thread terminates or the specified time elapses.
C# Syntax:
public bool Join(
   TimeSpan timeout


A TimeSpan set to the amount of time to wait for the thread to terminate.

Return Value:
true if the thread terminated; false if the thread has not terminated after the amount of time specified by the timeout parameter has elapsed.
Exception Type Condition
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value of timeout is negative and is not equal to Timeout.Infinite in milliseconds, or is greater than Int32.MaxValue milliseconds.
ThreadStateException The caller attempted to join a thread that is in the ThreadState.Unstarted state.
If Timeout.Infinite is specified for timeout, this method behaves identically to Join, except for the return value.

This method changes the state of the current thread to include ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin. You cannot invoke Join on a thread that is in the ThreadState.Unstarted state.

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Method: MemberwiseClone()
See base class member description: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
C# Syntax:
protected object MemberwiseClone();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Method: ResetAbort()
Cancels an Thread.Abort requested for the current thread.
C# Syntax:
public static void ResetAbort();
Exception Type Condition
ThreadStateException Abort was not invoked on the current thread.
SecurityException The caller does not have the required security permission for the current thread.
This method can only be called by code with the proper permissions. For more information see .

When a call is made to Abort to terminate a thread, the system throws a ThreadAbortException.ThreadAbortException is a special exception that can be caught by application code, but is rethrown at the end of the catch block unless ResetAbort is called.ResetAbort cancels the request to abort, and prevents the ThreadAbortException from terminating the thread.

See ThreadAbortException for an example that demonstrates calling the ResetAbort method.

.NET Framework Security:
SecurityPermissionAttribute for advanced operations on threads. Associated enumeration: SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlThread.

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Method: Resume()
Resumes a thread that has been suspended.
C# Syntax:
public void Resume();
Exception Type Condition
ThreadStateException The thread has not been started, is dead, or is not in the suspended state.
SecurityException The caller does not have the appropriate SecurityPermission.
.NET Framework Security:
SecurityPermissionAttribute for advanced operations on threads. Associated enumeration: SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlThread.

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Method: SetData(
   LocalDataStoreSlot slot,
   object data
Sets the data in the specified slot on the currently running thread, for that thread's current domain.
C# Syntax:
public static void SetData(
   LocalDataStoreSlot slot,
   object data


The LocalDataStoreSlot in which to set the value.


The value to be set.

Threads use a local store memory mechanism to store thread-specific data. The common language runtime allocates a multi-slot data store array to each process when it is created. The thread can allocate a data slot in the data store, store and retrieve a data value in the slot, and free the slot for reuse after the thread expires. Data slots are unique per thread. No other thread (not even a child thread) can get that data.

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Overloaded Method: Sleep(
   int millisecondsTimeout
Suspends the current thread for a specified time.
C# Syntax:
public static void Sleep(
   int millisecondsTimeout


The number of milliseconds for which the thread is blocked. Specify zero (0) to indicate that this thread should be suspended to allow other waiting threads to execute. Specify Timeout.Infinite to block the thread indefinitely.

Exception Type Condition
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The timeout value is negative and is not equal to Timeout.Infinite.
The thread will not be scheduled for execution by the operating system for the amount of time specified. This method changes the state of the thread to include ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin.

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Overloaded Method: Sleep(
   TimeSpan timeout
Blocks the current thread for a specified time.
C# Syntax:
public static void Sleep(
   TimeSpan timeout


A TimeSpan set to the amount of time for which the thread is blocked. Specify zero to indicate that this thread should be suspended to allow other waiting threads to execute. Specify Timeout.Infinite to block the thread indefinitely.

Exception Type Condition
ArgumentOutOfRangeException The value of timeout is negative and is not equal to Timeout.Infinite in milliseconds, or is greater than Int32.MaxValue milliseconds.
The thread will not be scheduled for execution by the operating system for the amount of time specified. This method changes the state of the thread to include ThreadState.WaitSleepJoin.

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Method: SpinWait(
   int iterations
Causes a thread to wait the number of times defined by the iterations parameter.
C# Syntax:
public static void SpinWait(
   int iterations


A 32-bit signed integer that defines how long a thread is to wait.

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Method: Start()
Causes the operating system to change the state of the current instance to ThreadState.Running.
C# Syntax:
public void Start();
Exception Type Condition
ThreadStateException The thread has already been started.
SecurityException The caller does not have the appropriate SecurityPermission.
OutOfMemoryException There is not enough memory available to start this thread.
NullReferenceException This method was invoked on a thread reference that is null.
Once a thread is in the Running state, the operating system can schedule it for execution. When the thread begins executing, the ThreadStart delegate supplied to the constructor for the thread invokes its methods.

Once the thread terminates, it cannot be restarted with another call to Start.

The following example demonstrates creating a thread and starting it.

This code produces the following output:

using System;
using System.Threading;

public class ThreadWork 
   public static void DoWork()
      for(int i = 0; i<3;i++)
         Console.WriteLine("Working thread...");
class ThreadTest
   public static void Main()
      ThreadStart myThreadDelegate = new ThreadStart(ThreadWork.DoWork);
      Thread myThread = new Thread(myThreadDelegate);
         for(int i = 0; i<3; i++)
         Console.WriteLine("In main.");

              				In main.
              				Working thread...
              				In main. Working thread...
              				In main.
              				Working thread...

Note that the sequence of the output statements is typical, but is not guaranteed to be identical across systems.

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Method: Suspend()
Either suspends the thread, or if the thread is already suspended, has no effect.
C# Syntax:
public void Suspend();
Exception Type Condition
ThreadStateException The thread has not been started or is dead.
SecurityException The caller does not have the appropriate SecurityPermission.
If the thread is already suspended, this method has no effect.
.NET Framework Security:
SecurityPermissionAttribute for advanced operations on threads. Associated enumeration: SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlThread.

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Method: ToString()
See base class member description: System.Object.ToString
C# Syntax:
public virtual string ToString();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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